What is the Storz acoustic wave?
Storz Medical is a pioneering Swiss brand of Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT®) device used in aesthetic medicine and physiotherapy. It is a non-invasive and extremely effective method for working with problematic areas with special heads. It is dedicated to reducing cellulite and locally accumulated fatty tissue while improving skin firmness.
Cellulite is a disorder manifested by inappropriate distribution of adipose tissue together with edematous and fibrous disorders of subcutaneous tissue accompanied by abnormal work of blood vessels. In its advanced form, it can lead to health disorders and soreness. The treatment is designed to improve metabolism and damage fat cells in the treatment area. The fat tissue is tearing up and the irregularities disappear. The metabolic products are excreted from the body through natural metabolic processes.
Dedicated to
It is a great treatment for all those who struggle with stubborn cellulite and fat tissue. Apart from all of its therapeutic purposes, it is also a great preventive treatment for those wishing to maintain a healthy and firm skin.
What the treatment looks like
After prior treatment qualification, the cosmetologist applies a special gel to the area to allow the acoustic wave to properly penetrate the fatty tissue. Then performs specific movements in the treatment area using special heads. We focus on previously selected parts during the entire treatment series. A series of 6-12 treatments every 3-5 days is recommended. In order to better maintain the effects, a reminder treatment 1 time per month is advisable.
The treatment is fully non-invasive and comfortable. Redness may appear immediately after the procedure, it does however disappear within a few minutes. In rare cases, small bruises may appear. You can return to daily activities immediately after the procedure.
Treatment effects:
- Reduction of cellulite at any stage of advancement
- Silhouette modelling
- Improvement of skin firmness
- Reduction of fatty tissue
- Stimulation and relaxation of muscles
- Reduction of swelling and improvement of circulation
- Reduction of body circumferences